Scotland, People and Language Forum

This event is a partnership between Gathered Together, Bilingualism Matters and Education Scotland

Click here for the agenda for the forum Scotland, People and Language Forum agenda (2)

To register for a place click here

About us:

Gathered Together logo       bemis-logo-medium

GATHERED TOGETHER is a pilot project working to support ethnic and cultural minority parents to become more involved in their child’s education and the school community.

We are a joint venture between BEMIS and SPTC, funded by the Scottish Government through its Third Sector Early Intervention Fund, managed by the Big Fund. We have been working closely with parents, schools and local authorities to identify and build good practice in inclusion and equality.

We are working directly with parents and carers from all ethnic and cultural backgrounds, finding out about their experiences of involvement with their children’s school and education, barriers that they experience to getting more involved and giving them information about their rights as parents and the role of the Parent Council in being a voice for parents.

Follow us on Twitter @Gathered2gether or visit our website

BM logo

Bilingualism Matters is a Centre at the University of Edinburgh, and is dedicated to communicating evidence-based information about speaking more than one language. We work with families, community groups and second language learners, enabling people to make informed decisions about bilingualism and language learning.

We are involved in projects teaching modern languages in Scottish primary schools, and in international research grants studying multilingualism across Europe. We provide training and resources for teachers, health workers and other practitioners, and offer information sessions and advice to families from all different backgrounds across Scotland.

Follow us on Twitter @BilingMatters or visit our website

Education Scotland RGB

Education Scotland is the Scottish Government’s agency for education and its role is to provide support and challenge to the field from early years through to adult learning. The CLD Policy and Improvement team has policy responsibility for English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) and works to ensure that those with ESOL learning needs have access to high quality ESOL provision.

Education Scotland also lead on the Education strand of the New Scots: Integrating Refugees in Scotland’s Communities strategy which is a 3 year strategy. Its implementation is overseen by the Scottish Government in partnership with the Scottish Refugee Council and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA). One of the outcomes for education is to promote linguistic diversity in Scotland to enable the multi-lingual refugee community to contribute to Scottish society.